Today I ended up going with my Mom to the Community Center in town to meet with the Garden Club ladies. Yes, Mom's a member. She thought it would be a good idea for me to venture out today with her- seeing as I really don't leave the house much these days. (The back problem...)

I conceded, and off we went. I thought I was dreaming when Ma came in and woke me up this morning. I rolled over, noticed the kittens all cuddled up on and around me, and snuggled in more with them. I was nearly back to sleep when Mom came back... Darn it! I was tired. But I got up, dressed, threw on some makeup, warm clothes, and off we went. It took me a little while to get ready- I don't exactly move so well in the mornings- my back is so stiff I have to do stretches before I get out of bed. It's limited too- I have to be careful how I move so I don't make it worse. I have to force myself to go out most days... I'm not too motivated these days to leave the house. I just don't have the gumption... So sometimes I make myself get up, dressed, makeup painted on, and out of the house for a while.

After making a few pit stops, we arrived. It was cold, blustery, and I was hoping for snow. They've been forecasting it for days. And for days, I haven't seen so much as a single, lousy flake. The wind was cold and biting, so I hurried as fast as I could to get indoors. Translation: I got cold while making my way to the building and inside. I lucked out- I was summarily seated in a chair which had a cushion, was more comfortable than the folding metal chairs, and had a birds eye view of the entire workspace. I also had the empty table. Score!
After searching through some of the goodies Mom brought with her to craft, I found some pretty ribbon. I swiped it, because I have a craft idea for it. Digging through a bag of ribbons... I hit the jackpot. Now, even when I don't feel particularly 100% (which is the majority of the time) I still paint a healthy face on, put a smile on, and will goof off when I'm able. Look what I found:
Cute huh?! They're red ornament balls which had wire stuck through them, which I bent and hooked over my ears.... My new earrings! I got many a laugh from the ladies coming in from the cold... Doing doubletakes over the enormous balls hanging from my ears! I'm glad they were red... Hahahaha! Mom then decided to give me winter-berry "antlers". I'm a ham, can you tell?
Then a few ladies arrived, and asked if they could sit at my table. Of course, I replied, feel free to do whatever you like! Listening to them talking about how they wanted to make centerpieces- I let them start off. Then a few of them asked if I'd done this before- to which I let slip that not only had I worked for a Florist, Ma did too for a number of years. They were elated! Immediately, asking us what branches were what- a bunch of Balsam, White and Red Pine, Mugho Pine, Blue Spruce, Holly and Boxwood. Asking how to put stems in, how to cut the oasis (green stuff!), how to fill it in but keep it from looking like too much stuff was mashed in there. A really nice woman and I made this little bear "nestled in the woods".

Mom and I got to work- and the ladies did a great job! We pretty much helped with the finishing touches on the about 15 pieces we made- and they came out adorable! A sprinkling of snowball garland, little wrapped gifts, pine cones, white painted branches with iridescent glitter. The star of the show I think was The Nutcracker piece Mom and another woman put together:
One of the other little bears was also nestled in a pretty little piece- they were just absolutely adorable!
There were an amazing array of decorations to choose from. All in all- it was a fun day. The ladies we sat with were so friendly- which can be hard to find at times! We laughed, they helped me out once they realized I wasn't getting around so well, and the soup Mom made for lunch was awesome!
And the best part was... By the time we left, we had flurries. I thought we'd get actual snow... But no. Just flurries. Everywhere else, I've heard, has snow. I'm a little disappointed.
If you see Old Man Winter around- please tell him that Snarky P is looking for him to DUMP a LOT of SNOW here in the valley. Thanks!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and the Warmest Holiday Wishes for everyone out there!
~*Snarky P