Well, this past weekend was pretty tough for me, so I figured my nails this week would somehow have to incorporate kitties into them. While the pros of my travel were finding out my back can at least handle (to some degree) a rather long ride without totally spazzing out on me, and seeing one of my best childhood friends and my god-daughter (her little girl), and seeing two friends who are very dear to me who also live down in CT, the cons were I gave up two of my little kittens!
Now those of you that know, we have 5 cats already. There's Mitts, the 18 1/2 year old gray Maine Coon, Balls the totally black boy and Ratcat who's his sister, and a pretty sandy colored tiger, who are 10 1/2, and Hobbes who's a big spotted Tabby Tom Cat who's gray, black and white. They mostly get along, except when Balls chases his sister, or Hobbes decides to... Or when Balls and Hobbes decide they're going to prove who's the owner of the house. There's no doubt about it. Mitts is the King. All he needs to do is raise a mighty double-paw and plunk it on the head of whatever cat decides to bother him. Ha ha ha! However, when I came home back in Spring, I brought my little cat Peeps with me. She's the 1 1/2 year old kitty who is a Patchwork Tabby Calico girl, with quite an attitude. She's quite sweet, but doesn't really care for the other cats much. The pictures which follow are from our journey down to CT, and back home to NH! They all did so well during the ride!!!

However- she liked Hobbes enough to um... Well, I'll just say it. They had kittens in October!
(do not worry, neutering and spaying is in their near future)
Peeps had 4 "Little Doobies", as I'd affectionately nicknamed them, and I've had them in tow since then. Due to the fact that they hadn't weaned by 8 weeks old, and Christmas had come barreling down the expressway... I held on to them a little longer. Then, due to scheduling and stuff, I kept them longer. So, I've had my "babies" for 17 weeks- and now they're in new homes!

Honestly, I didn't know which of the boys my two friends in CT would choose, though I knew they are parents to an orange cat currently. Whoosh- no help, considering both boys are orange! Little Dude is dark, and Dane is peachy. Dane earned his nickname after the comedian Dane Cook, who declared because he liked Transformers, he wanted to name one of his children "BbbbbrrrrRRRRRRReeeeeHHHHH!". Yes, the little kitty loves to talk- and he used to greet me every morning with a twitter!! While he doesn't typically like to be picked up by a human, whenever one sits down... He has to curl up and take a catnap with them. He's so affectionate, and it just made my heart swell even more for this little guy! He was the one chosen by my friends, and his new parents have re-named him with one which suits him beautifully- JB Westen 007. He's a super-cat spy! Quite fitting indeed!

Next up was my little cuddle bug sweetheart going, and her nickname was Sweetie. Guess why!? I do, however love her new name- because she's so dang cute! Love-Bug is now Precious <3 She loves chin rubs, cuddles, anything soft and snuggly, and has a purring motor that would put a jet to shame. I never in a million years thought I'd get a snowball-kitten from Peeps, since she's a calico. But you guessed it... I had two white girls with black ears and tips! The best thing was they both kept their pretty blue eyes!! As they get older, their colors are coming out more- and Precious has a lot of coloring on her face. I nicknamed her "Gremlin" for a little while, because she looks like one ha ha ha! I love the coloring on her face- black, tan and orange! She also does the cutest little butt "raise" when you reach down to pet her... Head butts, and her rear end goes up! I know her new Mommy wouldn't do this, but as much as Precious suits this kitten to a T, I can't help but imagine her skipping around her condo and in a funny Golem voice saying "My Preciousssssss! Oh, my... My Preciousssssss!" LOL And of course, I imagine the sweet little kitten would either run and hide... Or join her! Ha ha ha!!!

Little Dude came home with me, and I'm working on convincing someone to let me keep him. He's missing his siblings- he wanders the house at night looking for them, then comes in to me with a look on his face like "Ok, game's over! Where's my brother and sisters?" He's been super-cuddly and affectionate, but then again... That's his nature. He's got a great disposition and is definitely an Omega cat. Easy going, just like our Old Man Mitts. He loves to purr, loves to be around people (except when he naps during the day), attacks any toys he can literally get his paws on... And in general, is just an absolute awesome kitten. He's nearly as big as his mother- so I think he's going to be one big boy!!!

So yeah, that's my story about this past weekend- so I'm feeling a bit "child-less" without my kittens! I miss them... But I know they're in new homes where their parents absolutely adore them!!! I woke up in a panic Monday night, thinking my kittens escaped my room and I'd have to round them up. Once I woke a little more, I remembered I no longer have them. But there was Little Dude, at my feet, curled up and comfy. He felt me kind of roll over with a start, and he got up, nuzzled me under my chin, and curled up against my belly under the covers, cuddled and purred until I fell asleep. Peeps also joined me, up near her favorite spot on "her" side of the bed. (aka, what would belong to another human, but doesn't) So as an ode to my kittens... I did my nails in Kitties and Fish-Bones!
Hope I didn't bore you with my cat story!
On my nails:
Base Coat from Lippman Collection (Old, just using it up... I think I got it from a friend...)
Wet 'N Wild Craze nail color in 231 Shield (a beautiful dark burnished gold)
Sinful Colors in Courtney Orange
Konad Plate M60 - The Plaid Design used with-
Sally Hansen Chrome in 48 Purple Diamond Chrome
Bundle Monster Plate BM04
Konad Special Polish in Gold-Black to stamp Cat on BM04
Sally Hansen Chrome in Pure Chrome to stamp Fish Bones/Skeleton
Seche Vite Top Coat to Seal.
You like? I thought it was really cute! Even Mom liked it!
x0x0x0 ~*Snarky P
* All products used have been purchased by me.
** I was quite disappointed with this application of polish. I painted my nails Monday, and three of my tips chipped yesterday... Most of my nails today have chipped and lifted polish which have the WnW color, which I'm bummed about. Sadly, I'm removing them tonight. But that means a new design! I really like this soft gold. *shrugs* Oh well. Win some, lose some.